4 questions to help create sacred space

Carrying our Sacred Space with us

Cate Monaghan


Photo by Nick Page on Unsplash

Over the past year, I have felt like a seashell tossed around in the ocean. The seashell is at the whim of the ocean. The ocean is at the whim of the winds and weather. We have been at the mercy of many things outside of our control.

Some of the things that were out of control were the pandemic, watching the murders and assaults of innocent Black and Brown individuals, or working and living in a different way. We became essential workers or remote workers without many of our usual support systems to help us function. And, if you live alone, as I do, the isolation might have been overwhelming at times. Indeed, there were many occasions, when I wondered if the tide would ever again get high enough to pull me back to the ocean of life.

During uncertainty and greater disconnectedness in the world, why talk about more space.

Creating sacred space has been a way that has helped me to find moments where I can experience peace, a little joy, or my grief and balance in the midst of uncertainty. Like the seashell, it can be a rest on the beach before the tide takes us back out to sea.

What do I mean by sacred? It is connecting in the present moment to ourselves and others…



Cate Monaghan

MBA and PhD in adult education. I love to learn, teach and write. I am an ally, author, advocate and a great aunt and friend.